Vassiliki Rapti,


Founding Director, Citizen Tales Commons

AATMG (American Association of Teachers of Modern Greek), Vice-President, 2007-present

ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association), Member, January 2000-present

ACTFL (American Council for the Teaching of Foreign languages), Co-chair of Ad-hoc Committee on the Standards of Modern Greek ACTFL, 2010-2013

ALTA, American Literary Translation Association, Member, 2022- present

ATHE (Association for Theatre in Higher Education), Member, January 2008-2018

Citizen TALES Commons, Founding Director, 2021-present

Emerson College, Engagement LabThe Journal of Civic Media, Editor, 2019-present
Harvard Greek Film Society, Founder, 2009-2016

Harvard Ludics Seminar, Mahindra Humanities Center, Co-founder and Co-chair, 2013-present

MLA (Modern Languages Association), Member, January 2000-2016

IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology),  January 2007-present

ISSS (International Society for The Study of Surrealism), September 2022-Present

MGSA (Modern Greek Studies Association), Member of the MGSA Innovation Grant Committee and of the Undergraduate Research Committee, 2000-2021

NETA (New England Translators Association), Member, 2019-present

PMI (Project Management Institute), Member, 2021-present

Taos Journal, Editorial Advisory Board member, Taos, New Mexico, March 2023-present

Women’s and Gender Students Caucus, NeMLA, Mentor, January 2019-present